

Så var det på’an igjen med disse meme-greiene. Denne var litt kul syns jeg og jeg stjal den på brutalt vis fra karinadixit

1. A song from the last record you bought:
Vertigo – U2

2. A blues song:
Manish Boy – Muddy Waters

3. A song that gets you going in the morning:
Sax-intro from Raindogs – Tom Waits

4. A song that you think is romantic:
Johnsburg, Illinois – Tom Waits

5. One of the earliest records that you can remember listening to:
Smurfene – Geir Børresen (er det rart at det gikk så galt med meg?)

6. A song that you discovered from a film:
Robin, the hooded man – Clannad

7. A song from your favourite band/artist:
Dont go into that Barn – Tom Waits

8. A song from an artist/band that you otherwise don’t like, but like this one:
AC/DC – Back in Black

9. A lullaby:
Stort og svart – Dum Dum Boys

10. A song that makes you laugh / you find funny:
12 pains of christmas – Weird Al Yancowitz

11. A really good cover version:
jersey Girl – Bruce Springsteen

12. A song that reminds you of school days:
Barneskolen: I dont like mondays – Boomtown Rats
Ungdomskolen:Forever Young – Alphaville
Gymnas: Splitter Pine – Dum Dum boys
Universitet: Alt av Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers og Pearl Jam

13. A song from an artist that you are embarrassed to admit you like:
Tja,ikke akurat flau, men jeg synes Garth Brooks: «friends in low places» er en kul tekst.

14. Whatever it is, it’s got to be funky:
Technotronic – Pump Up The Jam
Faithless – Insomnia

15. A song for those quiet rainy days:
La Boeheme – Puccini

16. A song that no matter when you hear it makes you feel good:
«Its gonna be a fine day» – Opus 3

17. A song with the word «Look» in the title:
Look Like That – Violent Femmes

18. From a member of the «Dead Rockers Society»:
Kloning – Helge Gaarder (kjøtt)

19. Your favourite Elvis song:
In the Ghetto

20. Song that never fails to turn you on:
Love is Blindnes – U2

21. Song that makes you extremely sad:
Tish Hinojosa – Donde Voy

Donde voy, donde voy
Esperanza es mi destinacion
Solo estoy, solo estoy
Por el monte profugo me voy


22. A song that makes you think of an old flame:
Llano Estacado – Tom Russel

23. A song that makes you think of a vacation or trip:
LA Woman – The doors

24. A song you like to listen to while driving:
Hoo-dee-hoo – Rainmakers

25. A song you wish you could share with friends:
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
